Achieving our vision


As the Piedmont Triad region continues to grow, we should have the infrastructure for multiple safe, efficient, and affordable modes of travel, that responds to the needs of our communities and region.

TAP's grassroots effort engages the community through 4 key methods:

TAP inspires a new vision for transportation in our communities, by sharing innovative ideas from around the world, and relating the many benefits of a strong multi-modal transit system. 

TAP works with municipalities and public officials toward the development & implementation of a comprehensive regional transit plan, along with specific local plans, that respond to the needs of our region.  

TAP works together with other advocacy groups and public and private sector partners, to advance our vision for transit.  

TAP engages the community with hands on events and projects that demonstrate the many benefits of a strong multi-modal transit system. Since April 5th 2022 we have been working with over 100 community partners to provide a Community Bike Shop at Barber Park in southwestern Greensboro.

When a millionaire and a day laborer are both comfortable sitting next to each other on a bus, then the system has become a success.
— Jarrett Walker, Author of "Human Transit"