Transit Alliance of the Piedmont - Board of directors
Transit Alliance of the Piedmont currently has a collective non-hierarchical executive structure without an executive director - we are instead an anarcho-syndicalist commune - we take it in turns to act as a sort of executive officer for a period.
Board Directors (in alphabetical order):
David Hampsten - Treasurer
Sheldon Herman - Chair
Don Henza
Brian Leonard
Matt Nagem
Patricia Sanchez
Crispin Schamp
Star Lucia Sedda
Jon Walters
Transit Alliance of the Piedmont - Agency Liaisons:
Alex Ashton - Director of Real Estate, UNC-Greensboro
Eunice Calderon - WellCare HMO
Jesse Day - Planning Director, Piedmont Triad Regional Council
Mark Gatehouse - Trails Committee Chairman, Piedmont Fat Tire Society
Travis Hicks - UNCG Dept. of Arch. Center for Community-Engaged Design
Carla Hoover - Greensboro Parks & Recreation Department
Michael Hosey - US National Cycling Center of Winston-Salem
Mark E. Kirstner - Planning Director, Piedmont Authority for Reg. Transportation
Lydia McIntyre - GDOT & GUAMPO
Jamilla Pindar - Cone Health Foundation
Dr. Russ Smith - Professor, Winston-Salem State University
Jeffrey Sovich - Planner, Greensboro Sustainability Department